Você tem contribuído para a melhoria da vida das pessoas? As coisas que você faz melhoram as vidas das pessoas que as usam?
Experiences that foster happiness should have the following qualities:
- Make people feel confident of themselves.
- Make people feel they can do something better. Empowers people to do something in a better way.
- Improve people’s lives helping to solve existing pragmatic problems
- Make people have an enjoyable and fun time during the experience, thus making life worth to be lived.
- Surprises people in a magic way, bringing delight to the eyes and making the mind wonder.
- Create an emotional connection between everyone involved, the experience itself and the one supporting the experience (a brand or a person)
- Make the world a better place to live
- Strenghten relationships between people that live the same experience
O trecho acima foi extraído do Experience Design Manifesto. Uma dica imprescindível de leitura para todos aqueles que querem saber um pouco mais sobre a relação entre o seu sucesso e a experiência de quem usa aquilo que você faz. (via)
Pense nisso.